To make money today in affiliate marketing there are some secrets that you should be aware of. Secrets that when applied on a daily basis will help you finally achieve the financial goals that you want to meet. In fact if you do this right, you will not only meet your goals but you will exceed them.
The first thing that you should focus on in affiliate marketing is to find a product that you would buy. Go to the pitch page and check it out. Would you buy it? Does the sales letter make you want to purchase it right away? If so, this should go into your candidate list. To make money today you have to realize that it is all about quality and not quantity.
I have to correct myself and say that even though quality is the most important factor, quantity is also a huge factor in this game. To make money today you gotta realize that you can't just put up one Squidoo page and think you're going to get rich off of it. You gotta find something that works, and do a lot of that.
The quickest way to make money today however, is to find out what works is to pay someone to show you. If you don't have the mega bucks to pay someone to show you how they figured it out, you can quickly do a lot of things and focus on the one that gets you the most results. This brings us to tracking and the fact that you must track everything you do, if you don't, you're truly an idiot.
Take a look at the Alexa ranking of the site that you are going to be an affiliate for. Are they ranked above 50,000? If they are, this is a good sign. However be aware the the higher they rank on Alexa means that they are more heavily promoted which means you've got more competition unless you use some secret channels. What I mean by secret channels can actually be deceiving, what I actually mean is using advertising channels that are little known about. To make money today you have to use your brain.
Here are some powerful channels that are little known. One is to buy up domain names that are a misspelling of extremely popular domains such as Facebook dot com. As you can see, this site ranks very highly in Alexa just because people misspell the word Facebook! This webmaster enjoys a lot of great free traffic from this and he virtually has to do no work period!
Now he was smart enough to put some of the most general topics of interest that do really well online and put them by category right on the page! To make money today, you've got to not only do what you've been told in the training programs you buy, but you also have to use your head, just like this person did.
To make money today and to get some more highly classified marketing materials from me, you'll want to check out what I have for you below as I haven't even begun to scratch the surface on what's possible with affiliate marketing.
Make Money Today! is where you can get access to the underground program that I personally use to quietly and anonymously siphon huge commissions. Chip J. Weston is a little known underground marketer who quietly makes a killing online and enjoys a lifestyle that you would not believe. Many successful marketers attribute their success to his teachings.
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